
Friday, 4 June 2021

Whale Watching

 31.5.2021                                           The Wonderful Whale Watch

Blash Blash as the whales Jump up and dive into the water.The air around me is  filled with salt water from the dark blue ocean. Upon the mountains I am there with my binoculars looking beneath me at the wonderful shine of the whales. The whales are dark and shiny. It looked like if you were to touch them they would be slimy.  

I could see the whales Splashing water out of their blowholes. It look like it touched the clouds but almost. In the blue wide ocean there are creatures surrounding the whales like they  were some kind of kings. It is so satisfying watching the whales dive into the ocean and seeing the clearness of the water shot into the sky and back down.

Couple of hours passed by and it was starting to get dark and the whales had no time to do there cool tricks.


BY: Victoria

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