
Friday 6 August 2021

report about China in the Olympics


 Did you know that the capital city  of China is beijing? China also won 51 medals. My report is about how China has been involved in the Olympics and many other things about china. 


China is the most populated country in the world and also the third largest country. China's new years last for 15 years.  Did you know that China's bailong elevator sometimes wears armers made out of paper.  


The people’ Republic of China has won more Olympic medals in table tennis and badminton than any other NOC.  China competed at the Olympic Games under the name of the People's Republic of China (PRC) for the first time in 1952, at the Summer Games in Helsinki.


China has earned  32 gold medals, 21 silver and 16 Bronze  so all together is 62, China's women teams Sprint won in track cycling and got first place gold in the finals 2021, china also won in weight lifting and got 1st place in the olympics, in shooting china won again and won another gold medal and got 1st place.


In my opinion I think china would be a good place to go to because there are some famous buildings in china. They also have amazing food but I feel like you can experience new things and just explore.

Friday 30 July 2021

My report on Volleyball



Keep your head high and work hard every day, because you’ll never get that day back by Lloy Ball.”   It means to not face negativity and to always keep thinking positive you will never get that day back. I will be talking about volleyball, rules and much more. Did you know that  Most volleyball players jump about 300 times a match CRAZY right.


Volleyball is a very amazing sport but it's a little difficult because of how many rules the creator had come up with. Some of the rules are basically 6 players on a team, 3 on the front row and 3 on the back row.Maximum of three hits per side.A ball is "out" if it hits an antennae, the floor completely outside the court,any of the net or cables outside the antennae.the referee stand or pole,the ceiling above a non-playable area.Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a serve. A ball hitting a boundary line is in.Player may not hit the ball twice in succession A block does not count as a hit.


I'm going to  be talking about the history of volleyball and how New Zealand has been involved in this sport. Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan, physical director of the Young Men's Christian Association YMCA in Holyoke, Massachusetts. It was designed as an indoor sport for businessmen who found the new game of basketball too vigorous.


New Zealanders have been involved in volleyball because of the people that played it like Shaunna Polley, Amy Robinson, Anna Harrison and many more other people. Although we haven't won any medals in volleyball, New Zealand players are still trying their best. 

Volleyball made its Olympic debut at the 1964 Games in Tokyo and remember There's nothing worse than the feeling of wishing you had another chance at a play because you weren't ready by  Karch Kiraly.


Friday 4 June 2021

Whale Watching

 31.5.2021                                           The Wonderful Whale Watch

Blash Blash as the whales Jump up and dive into the water.The air around me is  filled with salt water from the dark blue ocean. Upon the mountains I am there with my binoculars looking beneath me at the wonderful shine of the whales. The whales are dark and shiny. It looked like if you were to touch them they would be slimy.  

I could see the whales Splashing water out of their blowholes. It look like it touched the clouds but almost. In the blue wide ocean there are creatures surrounding the whales like they  were some kind of kings. It is so satisfying watching the whales dive into the ocean and seeing the clearness of the water shot into the sky and back down.

Couple of hours passed by and it was starting to get dark and the whales had no time to do there cool tricks.


BY: Victoria

Thursday 13 May 2021

Snowy Hike


My toes feel really numb. I can’t feel them. We are marching up the mountains.As we are walking we can see pieces of ice starting to break, we are scared. Some are so soft that I feel like I was about to sink. I look up and see mountains made out of what look like hard dirt. I can’t feel anything because my hands feel weakened . I pinch myself really hard to see if I feel it, but as I do it feels like the numbness surrounding my body has suddenly broken like a shell but quickly covers me up again.

I stomp on one of the ice and I sink down and  my foot gets wet. I am  stuck. I try so hard to pull my leg out but I can't. I shout so loud that people beside me hear. They quickly rush over and hold both of my hands and pull me out. “Thank you” I say and we carry on snow hiking. It is a really long hike. 

I zoom into the snowy ground and it is  really dirty. I look up and see seagulls flying overhead with chilliness. Finally I arrive at my destination safely.   


Friday 7 May 2021

How to Clarify

The bright poppies

 It was at dawn the bright red poppies showing from the battlefield had caught my eyes. The poppies I have seen represent every single fallen soldier. They were dancing in the sunset. It had a black circle that looked like a button. The bright red poppy gave me a flashback on the war that happened. The poppies were just too beautiful that I couldn't resist, I picked one up it felt so smooth,I clipped it on my shirt using a safety pin. I rested myself on the bright red poppies.   

The harmony from the  poppies and the sunlight had shut my eyes completely, I was dreaming of being in that world war 1 but couldn't because I was too young. When I got up I kept on thinking about the war and about the fallen soldiers who had risked their lives to save New Zealand. Looking at the bright red poppies as the wind swooshes it from side to side made it more satisfying.   

I saw that as the wind moved the poppies from side to side parts of the poppies started to rain down the uncut grass. I decided to pick one up so that when I arrive home I will keep it as a year's memory.  

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Tracking Tunnel

 Hey blogger Room 9 made tracking tunnels to track animals that come by the only thing I found on my tracking tunnel was snail or slug slime. I used 1 tissue , yellow and red food clouring mixed with water and penut butter it was fun.

Wednesday 3 March 2021

My Narritive About The Missin Supermaket

Hey bloggers here is a little story I have created. This story is about how a girl call Elizabeth who saw the the supermaket drifting away taking her mother with it.I hope you all enjoy.

Tuesday 23 February 2021

The Treaty Of Waitangi

 Treaty Of Waitangi







Afternoon and the treaty of waitangi ground


Ruqa Viena Murray neha Missionary Henry Williems 

Worried angry and stressed

We got scammed by the british.

We signed a treaty of waitangi.

On a nice warm day we the maori people were playing peacefully on the nice beach with a warm touch of smoothness from the sand and cold joint to my legs from the splashing waves coming towards me.  Until the british chief Murray and his assistant Viena  came along. They wanted our land so bad that they pushed us  into accepting bad trades.The british saw an opportunity to bring New Zealand our land into its empire. Viena screamed from the top of lungs GIVE US THE LAND when suddenly Ruqa my assistant came along and slapped Viena on the face saying WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING THAT TRADE. The British people left empty handed with an angry red face.

Each day the british chief Murray and his assistant Viena always came to our land and kept forcing us to let them have the land. I could hear the neha saying no chief don't do it beside me but I thought Neha's right why would I upset my people so I declined in an angry voice . Murray and Viena Were so angry that they came day by day to annoy us and they keep trying to force us into  trading our land for the boats. I stood up and said NO! they were deviceaded.   

On 3th february 1840 we had a big argument  with the british Chief when all of a sudden we saw Missionary henry williams walked away from the crowd with us not knowing he was there he stood in front of me and he only said three words ‘SIGN A TREATY’ Me and Murray looked at each other nervously without giving it a second think we had agreed to sign the treaty the next day. 

 Coca dododo I woke up worried of what would happen when the treaty was signed.I got ready in my cultural clothes and off I went to the treaty of waitangi grounds and I saw my people cheering and clapping for me. I was so worried I think everyone could tell that. I also saw the british people not even cheering for me but only their chief murray. Of course Murray will bring  Viena luckily. I came with Ruqa, my all time favourite assistant. I knew that Murray didn't want to agree he started arguments like he said Why can't you just give us your land it's not that hard, I just laughed and said of course we are not going to give you our land so it is not FREE. Finally the arrival of Missionary Henry Willioms was here so we could get the treaty over with but there was a problem when we signed the treaty of waitngi Murray and his assistant were trying to scam us he was trying to take our land for free.After he'd try to scam us he made everything worst. Wars started to happen between us. The thing that was funny when wars happened Viena and Ruqa were fighting in their own way  Me and Murry just stand there watching soon after they looked at us and felt embarrassed Missionary Henry willson said PLEASE JUST STOP sign the treaty it will be better ”OK” I said  as I shivered and sweat started to pour from my face to the paper   as the ink of the pen drew You can take half of our land and Murray wrote let's be a one person.

After the treaty was signed I didn't regret it so much as Murray because everything was amazing after we and the british people were a family but the thing that did it was sell us some of their expensive boats for half land which was even more amazing.

Click here to listen to podcast


Tuesday 16 February 2021

My Line Art Work

Kia Ora bloggers today we were suppose to do a Line art which took forever but im proud of it and hope you like it.

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Colour making art


Kia Ora Bloggers I made some colours from only using yellow, blue,Black,white and red. It was a challenge because i didnt have all the colours  I needed but I just mix random and here are the colurs I mixed. Starting from the Maron to the light blue

Red,White and blue= Maron

Blue red white = light purple

Blue Red = Purple

Yellow Blue and tiny white =  Dark Greenesh turquoise

Black and white= Grey

Yellow blue more white = Light Greenesh turquoise

Blue white = Light blue 

WOW how cool right!!